Our fields of research
Learning pathways of teachers at teacher PD level
In order to design effective professional development courses, it is necessary to understand exactly how teachers and educators learn PD content. It is important for us to take a close look at content-related learning processes, i.e. learning processes on specific topics in mathematics instruction. For example, we examine the learning prerequisites and hurdles of teachers in the subject of PD "language-sensitive mathematics instruction". Based on this, the professional development courses and PD materials at the DZLM are designed in such a way that typical learning paths of teachers are taken into account.
Selected DZLM publications from this field of research
Learning pathways of PD facilitators at facilitator PD level
In order to encourage the development of a PD facilitator's core competencies in the best possible way, we are researching how they learn in facilitator PD coureses. For this purpose, we investigate content-related learning processes of PD facilitators, i.e. learning processes on specific topics in mathematics instruction, as well as learning processes related to cross-content aspects. For example, we want to find out which information on content-related learning processes of teachers and which support participants in a qualification need so that they can later give effective teacher professional development courses. Competent PD facilitators are the basis of successful PD practice.
Selected DZLM publications from this field of research
Effects and effectiveness of courses for teacher PD and facilitator PD
We are continuously further developing our teacher PD and facilitator PD concepts and thus ensure that our offers provide the intended added value. For this reason, we examine individual aspects and design elements of courses for teacher PD and facilitator PD for their effects and effectiveness in the context of design research or intervention studies. One example is the effects that can be achieved through the use of video cases from PD courses in order to prepare PD facilitators in facilitator PD to support the learning of teachers in teacher PD courses. In this way, we can ensure step by step that our offers actually lead to improvements in PD practice and mathematics instruction in schools.
Selected DZLM publications from this field of research
Use of DZLM material ranging from facilitator PD to mathematics instruction
The PD material is a core area of the DZLM. As Open Educational Resources, the material is accessible for free. PD facilitators can download the entire material of a PD module from our website and adapt it for their purposes and needs. We investigate how PD facilitators change the PD material of a module and what effect this adaptation of the material has on the professional development course and subsequently on the instruction of mathematics. Knowledge about the adaptation processes of materials is of central relevance for a functioning transfer of content into school practice.
Selected DZLM publications from this field of research
Further contributions to subject-related professionalisation research
In addition to empirical work in the fields of research described above, the DZLM regularly publishes contributions on programmatic, structural and strategic aspects of subject-related PD research in order to further develop the still young field of research. Our focus is always on specific and subject-related professionalisation research. Occasionally, the DZLM also publishes position papers or books on topics related to PD courses for mathematics teachers.
Selected DZLM publications from this field of research